Breaking the cycle of homelessness

Root Causes of Poverty

Many of the children who come to the Mission have been subjected to trauma including domestic abuse, substance abuse, sexual abuse, and other family disorders or disturbances. Living through these adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) can lead to “toxic stress” which affects the brain and physical development of children.

Adverse Childhood Experiences Include:

  • Emotional abuse
  • Physical abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Emotional neglect
  • Physical neglect
  • Mother treated violently
  • Household substance abuse
  • Household mental illness
  • Parental separation or divorce
  • Incarcerated household member
  • Bullying (by other child or adult)
  • Witness violence outside home
  • Witness sibling abuse
  • Racism, sexism, or other discrimination
  • Being homeless
  • Natural disasters or war

As part of our New Life Plan, we provide assessment and counseling to children and adults who are struggling with the long lasting effects of trauma and stress. Based on the assessments, we determine the counseling needs of each man, woman, and child. We contract with several providers, including individuals and agencies, to offer both individual and group counseling. Counseling may occur on-site at the Mission, while some clients travel to off-site counselors and therapists.

Hear Our Clients Stories

  • Ailsa witnessed trauma as a child that she carried into adulthood. It affected her mental and emotional health, and it influenced the company she chose to keep.
    Ailsa's Story
  • Today, Keith is in one of the last stages of our recovery program. He has a job and a car, and he hopes to buy his own home in the future.
    Keith's Story
  • Now, Fred is employed by the city of Raleigh, and he gives back at the Mission however he can.
    Fred's Story
  • Giving Credit to God
    Regina knows her relationship with God is the reason behind her recovery.
    Regina's Story
  • New Life Plan's First Habitat Homeowner
    Rodney cherishes his lovely new wife and his new home.
    Rodney's Story
  • God’s Love Through Any Challenge
    Now in Phase 5 of the New Life Plan, Loren sets her eyes on becoming a homeowner.
    Loren's Story
  • Back on the Road to Success
    Michael finds help at RRM after job and housing ends due to pandemic
    Michael's Story
  • Kids Keeping Him Faithful to the Plan
    Lahmad's Story
  • Chris was afraid he might die on the streets but not wanting anyone to know he was homeless.
    With God’s help, Chris has progressed through the New Life Plan in a little over a year.
    Chris's Story
  • Sunshine is Coming Real Soon
    A father and his infant son found a place where they could start again.
    De's Story
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