Homelessness doesn’t have a certain look. You may or may not notice the men, women and children who are struggling with homelessness. They may be sleeping in their car, or on a friend’s couch. Perhaps they’re living temporarily with their parents, or in a motel room. Maybe they’ve found emergency shelter.

In Raleigh and Wake County, homelessness is increasing 8% each year. With over 6,000 individuals seeking homeless services, 70% of those are considered homeless due to a recent situation in their lives.

Homelessness doesn’t just happen. There are underlying causes. Many who are homeless have experienced trauma, domestic violence, family tragedy, job loss, addiction or health issues. Read more about the ongoing affects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and how they relate to homelessness.

Individuals Homeless
Individuals Homeless
Seeking Services
Children Homeless
Children Homeless
Attending Wake Schools
Individuals in Poverty
Individuals in Poverty
at risk of being homeless

Homelessness in Raleigh and Wake County is rising. As Raleigh and surrounding towns are experiencing prosperity, this growth has driven up housing costs, and it’s estimated that we are losing between 400 and 550 affordable housing units every year. About one-fourth of households in our area are spending more than they can afford for housing, and some reports predict that the number of low-income families who need affordable housing is expected to rise by up to 3,700 per year. Single mothers with children represent more than half of those needing access to affordable housing.

Homelessness among Wake County Public School students is rising significantly. According to recent data from the Wake County Public School System, the number of homeless children and youth in our school system has increased a mind-numbing 56 percent in the past seven years. View Wake County Public School System report on Student Data collected under the McKinney-Vento Program that shows the number of students over the last 8 years that are considered experiencing homelessness.

Hear Our Clients Stories

  • Ailsa witnessed trauma as a child that she carried into adulthood. It affected her mental and emotional health, and it influenced the company she chose to keep.
    Ailsa's Story
  • Today, Keith is in one of the last stages of our recovery program. He has a job and a car, and he hopes to buy his own home in the future.
    Keith's Story
  • Now, Fred is employed by the city of Raleigh, and he gives back at the Mission however he can.
    Fred's Story
  • Giving Credit to God
    Regina knows her relationship with God is the reason behind her recovery.
    Regina's Story
  • New Life Plan's First Habitat Homeowner
    Rodney cherishes his lovely new wife and his new home.
    Rodney's Story
  • God’s Love Through Any Challenge
    Now in Phase 5 of the New Life Plan, Loren sets her eyes on becoming a homeowner.
    Loren's Story
  • Back on the Road to Success
    Michael finds help at RRM after job and housing ends due to pandemic
    Michael's Story
  • Kids Keeping Him Faithful to the Plan
    Lahmad's Story
  • Chris was afraid he might die on the streets but not wanting anyone to know he was homeless.
    With God’s help, Chris has progressed through the New Life Plan in a little over a year.
    Chris's Story
  • Sunshine is Coming Real Soon
    A father and his infant son found a place where they could start again.
    De's Story
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