Our focus is on assisting those who are ready to make a commitment to transforming their life, and working to overcome the negative factors that led to homelessness. Most clients who commit to our programs end up spending an average of one year under our roof. For others who need emergency shelter, we work with our Coordinated Entry Partners to find the right place to meet their needs.

Raleigh Rescue Mission is a place with a long-term purpose and steadfast strategy to break the cycle of poverty and homelessness. We are here for those who need a second chance and are willing to do the work it takes to rebuild their lives.

  • Back-to-Work Program
  • Vocational Training through Onsite Work Experience
  • Classes
    • Effective Communication
    • Conflict Management and Resolution
    • Time Management
    • Jobs for Life
    • Financial Literacy
  • Assigned Client Success Manager to ensure success in the program

All prospective clients should send inquiries to the appropriate email address below:

  • Men’s Program: MensProgram@raleighrescue.org
  • Women’s Program: WomensProgram@raleighrescue.org


Raleigh Rescue Mission offers a wide range of services that will help homeless men, women, and women with children to gain stability, build resilience, and rebuild their lives. From meeting basic needs including meals, clothing, hygiene and healthcare to providing counseling, parenting classes, resources for children’s care, transportation and vocational and career training – you will receive all that you need to transform your life. Our underlying belief is that Jesus was a man of justice, and that God’s love has the power to transform. We approach our service with a deep belief in Christian principles, as well as a respect for the latest social science, layered with the experience we’ve gained in working with the homeless population for sixty years.

We require those who want to become clients at Raleigh Rescue Mission to commit to our New Life Plan.

If you need, or know someone who needs additional resources, please see our Homeless Services Resource Referral Card.

Our New Life Plan
Find out more about our New Life Plan comprehensive program!
View New Life Plan