About Us

Our Mission

Believing every individual has sacred value, we equip people to impact the world for good through the love of Jesus Christ.

Raleigh Rescue Mission remains rooted in the belief that every individual has sacred value and with dignity comes new life.

New Life Plan

The Garden

A New Vision for a New Life

Women and children have increasingly become the faces of situational homelessness in our community. As the Mission began to see more women experiencing situational homelessness walk through their doors, especially those with small children, they knew it was time to do something more.

Capacity to serve women and children at the new campus will increase by 483%.

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About The Facility


  • Long-term transitional
    housing for 350-400
  • Residential rooms with
    in-room bathrooms,
    personal storage, and
  • Training, meeting, and
    counseling rooms
  • Open-concept dining hall
    that includes outdoor
    seating and a roof terrace
  • Comprehensive children’s
    development center
  • A gymnasium for client
    and public use
  • Outdoor walking trails and
    a playground for a variety
    of age groups

The new campus will cost $25 million and will be located at 5200 Knightdale Eagle Rock Rd.

Capacity to serve men in the remaining legacy space in downtown Raleigh will increase by 150%. Expansion to a new campus will allow the Mission to reach new levels of impact, serving 2,500+ individuals experiencing situational homelessness by 2027.

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Our Progress

Women and children have increasingly become the faces of situational homelessness in our community. As the Mission began to see more women experiencing situational homelessness walk through their doors, especially those with small children, they knew it was time to do something more.

Will you join with us in this bold vision, stretching our God-given means to invest in this Kingdom work? Contact John Luckett at 919-986-8112 or johnl@raleighrescue.org.

Naming Opportunities

Named gift opportunities will create permanent recognition at Raleigh Rescue Mission’s women and children’s facility. Named gifts will be acknowledged by way of plaques, signage, and/or inscription, all of which will be in keeping with donor wishes and Raleigh Rescue Mission’s brand.

Stories of Hope

Client Testimonial

“Raleigh Rescue Mission provided me with a lifeline when I had nowhere else to turn. After facing a series of unfortunate events, including losing my business and becoming homeless, I found myself at rock bottom. But through their program, I found stability and hope. The phased approach gave me something to look forward to and served as a goal to strive towards. It’s been around for 60 years, and if they could help someone like me, they’re definitely doing something right.”
– Kelle

Donor Testimonial

“Our company’s reputation really is one that gives back to the community. And we do that because we want Raleigh to be better. I mean, it’s where our business is. It’s where our family is. It’s where we call home. And we don’t want to just count on everybody else to try and do it for us. We want to be investing back in our community so that it will be a great place for my kids to run a business and to raise a family and be here for another couple hundred years.”
– George & Smedes York

Campaign Leadership


Samuel T. Bratton
Jay Easterling
Mary Dee Smith


Jay Easterling, Chairman
Kathryn Hoover, Vice Chair
Matthew Black, Secretary
Jim Tiller, Treasurer
Harris Vaughan, Campaign
Managing Chair
Tyler Graybeal
Sam Pierce
Dr. Crystal Pressley
James Wiley


Cliff Benson III
Sarah Glad
Neal Hunt
North State Bank
Ven Poole
Kerfoot Ritter
Temple Sloan IV
Jule Smith
Mike Smith
Jill Phillips Swisher
Mary Vande Guchte
Doug Vaughn


John Luckett,
President & CEO
Lauren LaPlante,
Campaign Manager
Kristye Brackett,
Campaign Counsel, CapDev