It’s Family That Fills You Up

On Thanksgiving Day most of us will celebrate by sitting down to a bountiful meal. But we all know in our hearts Thanksgiving is about more than a meal. It’s about pausing to reflect on the fullness of our lives. Lifting up prayers for the blessings that on many days we take for granted. Mostly, it’s about being surrounded by the love and laughter of family and friends. 

Many individuals who are experiencing homelessness are estranged from their families, struggling with feelings of isolation. Without strong family ties, they lack support systems, and safety nets.  Studies have shown a direct correlation between weak family ties, and homelessness.

Hear April’s compelling story about what it means to be part of a family again.

Becoming Family

At Raleigh Rescue Mission we provide much more than a meal.  Everyday. For those who pass through our doors, and commit to transforming their lives, we become family. The Mission becomes home, and provides community, while they rebuild their lives. The Mission becomes a place for building resilience, for finding hope.

Like a good family, we’ll:

  • Listen
  • Pray together
  • Give encouragement
  • Lend a hand
  • Laugh at jokes
  • Provide a shoulder to cry on
  • Talk about how things went at the end of each day

Through our New Life Plan, we provide the guidance, the mentoring, the roadmap for moving from homelessness to home ownership.  We are there at every step, through the bad days, and the good days.

Please help us make Thanksgiving Day, and EVERYDAY, a positive experience for the men, women, and children who call Raleigh Rescue Mission home.


There’s never been a better time to care.  Through the end of the year, your gifts may qualify to be matched!